Tag: Test automation

The end goal of test automation is to ease the process of testing web pages. If test automation isn’t written in a well-structured manner, then the testing process becomes ambiguous and ineffective. In Selenium, Page Factory optimizes test instances created using the page object model (POM). The POM ensures that tests are written in a…

Test automation makes verifying an application’s behavior more straightforward and consistent. Unlike manual testing, automated testing can test even the smallest unit, such as a single method, without running the entire app. Usually, to perform automated tests, you’ll need a testing library. Mocha is one such library. You can test one or more methods in your…

Testing is essential to the development process to ensure code quality and functionality. Testing can be performed manually or automated. Automated tests require less time to execute and are more efficient to run, so it’s a good idea to automate the test cases you plan to run repeatedly. This blog post will cover two of…

Mocha is a robust JavaScript test framework that has gained popularity among developers and companies. It’s an extensive test framework that can be utilized to perform both unit tests and functional tests. However, setting up and configuring Mocha can be a bit tricky.  This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on Mocharc – that will…

After creating a React app, testing and understanding why your tests fail are vital. When debugging, you’re trying to identify and solve the error. When a test fails, it tells you what has gone wrong and why—in short, testing and debugging work in tandem. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing bugs. As a…

Although the benefits of having automated tests are well known, setting up any new test framework can be bewildering and time consuming. If you’re writing JavaScript, a language that lies somewhere in the middle between object-oriented and functional programming, understanding what to test can be hard too. This tutorial will explain the basics of testing…

Many people, upon hearing “automated testing,” automatically think of unit tests. That’s understandable; after all, unit testing is one of the most well-known types of automated tests. However, it’s far from being the only one. We have UI testing, end-to-end testing, load testing, and that’s just to name a few. Today’s post—as you can see…

JBehave is a Java testing framework for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD.) It’s been around for many years with regular updates, including an update to 5.0 in 2022. But, it still doesn’t get the attention and respect it deserves. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at what BDD is and how you can use it…

Pytest has a number of great features. One of those special features is fixtures. Using pytest fixtures to test your application is one way you can exponentially increase code quality. Higher-quality code, plus more readable documentation, leads to a massive reduction in the cost of resources for our applications. Pytest is one of the most…

The software testing world sometimes includes too much confusing jargon. Many expressions sound similar but refer to different concepts. The “test strategy vs. test plan” dilemma is a good example. What is the meaning of each one of those terms? Why do you need them? How do they differ? And what are their similarities? These…