Salesforce testing

Salesforce testing simplified

No-code, end-to-end testing built for businesses that rely on Salesforce.

Salesforce testing challenges

Keeping up with frequent changes

Regular developer-driven Salesforce changes requires a comprehensive testing strategy.

Hard-to-test dynamic Salesforce pages

Standard testing tools cannot handle dynamic Salesforce changes, resulting in high maintenance and fragile tests that break with every update.

Limited window to test Salesforce Releases

Each Salesforce Release includes significant changes and only certain amount of time to perform testing.

Testing the workflows of all users and environments

Different workflows need to be validated across types of users and environments.

Complexity of customizations

Given the volume and complex, dynamic nature of Salesforce customizations, creating and maintaining regression tests becomes cumbersome and time consuming.

Testing often ad hoc and limited to developers

Relying on developers to write and maintain tests often becomes the bottleneck Salesforce releases and leads to incomplete test coverage.

Key Capabilities

Salesforce aware

Metadata-aware Salesforce steps and AI accurately locate elements even on dynamic pages making test creation and maintenance easy.


No-code steps for fast test creation of Salesforce workflows, including Record Creation, Lead Conversion, Related Lists, Quick Actions, and Document and email.

Designed for Salesforce

Exhaustively test access permissions within Salesforce across steps, such as Login-As, CPQ, Salesforce Permission Testing, Pick-list Validation, and Verify Field Visibility.

These artifacts generated as part of this process can later be used for compliance reporting.

Write once, run anywhere

Save time with easy reuse of testcases across users, environments, and project workspaces.

Tests pass on the latest Salesforce Release

Pre-release testing of our built-in steps ensures that tests keep running when your environments are promoted to the latest Salesforce Release.

Works with all your tools

Integrates with general (Jenkins, Azure DevOps) and Salesforce-specific CI tools (AutoRABIT, Copado, and Gearset), test management (Tricentis qTest, Tricentis Test Management for Jira, TestRail), bug tracking tools (Jira, GitHub), and more.