AI-Based Stability
Tired of fixing tests on every application change? There’s a better way.
AI-based Smart Locators
Most test automation frameworks use a single CSS selector to identify web elements. Simple application changes often affect CSS selectors, breaking tests, and requiring updates. Testim inspects the entire web application HTML DOM to identify hundreds of attributes that define each element. If the color, text, or location of an element changes, Smart Locators can identify it and keep the test valid. Testim gives you full control to adjust or override the locators to suit your app.

Auto-improving Locators
Over time, the application-under-test may diverge from the test baseline. Rather than wait for the test to fail, Testim proactively improves locators. First, Testim recalculates the locator based on current information, then performs a side-by-side evaluation before automatically updating the locators. The result is automated test maintenance without human involvement.

Automated Waits
Tests can fail because the testing application attempted to identify page objects before they were rendered. Testim helps address this issue by inserting waits into the test steps. Waits are informed by analyzing millions of test runs and vary by element type. You can insert event-dependent waits into tests to account for application variability.

Shared steps and groups
Reuse is a fundamental concept of software engineering. Write a method rather than copy code. Testim shared steps and groups minimize maintenance when changes are needed because a single fix applies to all dependent tests. Testim simplifies reuse with auto-grouping, to discover frequently duplicated steps and replace them with shared groups.

“We had a change in our login flow across all our applications…your smart locators were still able to find all the elements and none of the tests failed!!! I thought there would be low maintenance required, in fact, zero maintenance was involved! Astonishing!!!”

“Testim’s simple user interface makes it easy for our developers to add tests without a steep learning curve. We grew coverage by 30% in three months and found that very little maintenance is required so we can keep increasing coverage.”