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Mocha for TypeScript Testing: How to Get Started

Mocha is a popular JavaScript test framework that's often used for testing Node.js applications. It's a widely used testing tool…
JavaScript Testing

Jest Testing: A Helpful, Introductory Tutorial

When it comes to unit testing frameworks for JavaScript, Jest is certainly a serious contender for the #1 spot. Initially,…
JavaScript Testing

CSS Testing: The Definitive Guide

CSS is an essential component in front-end web development. But in the past, automated CSS testing didn't get the same…
JavaScript Testing

Supertest: How to Test APIs Like a Pro

Modern software wouldn't be possible without HTTP APIs. In a microservice architecture, they connect front-end and back-end components or different…

Shadow Dom vs. Virtual Dom: A Web Developer’s Guide

When it comes to front-end development, understanding the DOM is crucial. However, this topic can be pretty confusing for beginners,…
Uncategorized, Introduction

How to Find an Element by XPath in Selenium

Today's post aims to answer a pretty straightforward question: How do I find an element by XPath in Selenium? So,…