Quality, Automation and AI

How to use Page Object Model in Selenium, with examples

How to use Page Object Model in Selenium, with examples

Selenium is one of the most popular tools when it comes to testing automation. You can use it in a…
An introduction to E2E testing with Detox for React Native

An introduction to E2E testing with Detox for React Native

To build a mobile app that will thrive in the marketplace, it's essential to perform end-to-end (E2E) testing before deploying…

Start building AI-powered, self-healing, end-to-end tests

  • Record and configure tests fast
  • Minimize test maintenance
  • Scale your team and projects
Self-Healing Processes to Improve Engineer Experience

AI and quality assurance: Self-healing processes to improve engineer experience

If you have been in QA for any length of time, you can probably recall a project where the test…
The History of Mobile - Part 3

The History of Mobile – Part 3: The Tricentis Story

So far, we've talked about the history of mobile, and we've talked about today’s mobile testing tools and how we…
Discover How QA Can Enhance the Developer Experience With AI

Discover How QA Can Enhance the Developer Experience With AI

DevOps is no longer a new concept. Companies have embraced the term. However, it may appear that some are not…
QA, Guest Blog