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Quality, Automation and AI

Self-Healing Processes to Improve Engineer Experience

AI and quality assurance: Self-healing processes to improve engineer experience

If you have been in QA for any length of time, you can probably recall a project where the test…
The History of Mobile - Part 3

The History of Mobile – Part 3: The Tricentis Story

So far, we've talked about the history of mobile, and we've talked about today’s mobile testing tools and how we…

Meet our new AI Help Assistant

Welcome to a new era of user assistance! Our latest enhancement, the AI Help Assistant, is transformative for your Testim…
Reflection and Resolutions-5 lessons

Reflections and Resolutions: Top 5 Lessons Learned in Testing This Year

Here are 5️⃣ lessons I learned or relearned this year in testing: Test design techniques are a great way to…
Tips and tricks

Revolutionizing Software Testing: The Power of AI in Action

What’s all the buzz about testing software with artificial intelligence (AI)? Let's start with a basic definition--AI is the simulation…
AI, Agile
How to work with Developer Tools as a tester

Developer Tools for Testers

As a tester, chances are you work with a web app (mobile apps have gained a lot of ground lately,…
Best Practices