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Quality, Automation and AI

Mocha Assertions: What They Are and How to Use Them

Test automation makes verifying an application's behavior more straightforward and consistent. Unlike manual testing, automated testing can test even the…
Unit testing

Mocharc: The Essential Mocha Configuration Guide

Mocha is a robust JavaScript test framework that has gained popularity among developers and companies. It's an extensive test framework…
Unit testing

Mocha beforeEach Explained With a Side-by-Side Comparison

Sometimes, while writing tests with tools like Mocha, you may want to perform certain operations before the tests. These operations…
Unit testing

Unit Test vs. Integration Test: Tell Them Apart and Use Both

Many people, upon hearing "automated testing," automatically think of unit tests. That's understandable; after all, unit testing is one of…

Mocking Static Methods With Mockito: Explained With Examples

We all know that unit tests must not interact with external dependencies—databases, HTTP services, the filesystem, etc. You must resort…
Unit testing

xUnit vs. NUnit Demystified: A Comprehensive Explanation

Getting started with unit testing can seem like a daunting task. There's plenty to learn, such as what unit testing…
Uncategorized, Unit testing