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Tag: agile testing

Ask two people the definition of DevOps these days and if you get fewer than five answers, you are doing well. My casual definition of DevOps is “a culture around how software is developed and delivered into production operations.” That does not mean everyone does it the same way. One primary and fundamental characteristic of…

The software testing life cycle is the sequence of activities that happen during software testing. By employing a sane software testing life cycle, an organization ends up with a quality strategy more likely to produce better results. Why is this so important, though? It all boils down to customer satisfaction. Presenting a perfect product to the…

Agile is one of the most popular and widely accepted modern approaches for software development among technology organizations. It offers an adaptive, iterative, and incremental methodology. The project management team uses the agile model to build and deliver products in uncertain environments, meeting the rapidly changing market condition. But to put the agile model in…

Picture this. Your organization has been working hard on its product for two years. The release of the first version is approaching quickly, and everyone is excited. The stakes are high, so people are nervous, but they’re also confident on the quality of their work. Then, the big day finally comes… and it’s terrible. Sure,…

Test automation makes verifying an application’s behavior more straightforward and consistent. Unlike manual testing, automated testing can test even the smallest unit, such as a single method, without running the entire app. Usually, to perform automated tests, you’ll need a testing library. Mocha is one such library. You can test one or more methods in your…

No company would release a piece of software without testing it. But there are many ways of testing software. End-to-end testing is one way. It might even be the most important way, though often the most time- and resource-intensive one. Luckily, there are ways to automate end-to-end tests. In today’s post, we’ll clarify not only…

Cucumber.js and BDD aren’t new kids on the block. But they’re still fairly unfamiliar for many developers. That’s unfortunate because the two can be very powerful tools for both business people and developers. Let’s have a short look at what BDD is, and then see how Cucumber.js can be used to your advantage. What Is…

In this day and age, no serious manager or tech leader would question the importance of testing. However, it’s also necessary to decide how to carry out the tests in practice. This takes us to today’s topic: test design. Test design, in short, is the process of defining how test activities will be done. Here…

As developers, you are probably familiar with this scenario: you went over a code review with another developer (which you do, right?), pushed the latest fixes, ran a couple of tests by yourself, and with a big smile upon your face, you sent a message to the QA guy, Joe (a generic name for a…

The last few years have seen a rise in the adoption of DevOps by companies to improve the speed and quality of software deliveries. This comes as no surprise since DevOps is highly effective in that regard. DevOps seeks to improve the coordination between the development and operations teams through better planning, processes, communication, and…