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Testim August Product Summary: Extract Value Step Enhancements, Validate Checkbox/Radio Button, Failed Test Retries Option in Scheduler

Introduction We work hard to improve the functionality and usability of our autonomous testing platform to support your software quality…

August 2019 Test Summary
By Testim,


We work hard to improve the functionality and usability of our autonomous testing platform to support your software quality initiatives. This month we’re thrilled to release a few of your most requested features; Extract Value Step enhancements, Validate Checkbox/Radio button, Failed Test Retries option in Scheduler. Check them out and let us know what you think. 

Extract Value Step Enhancements

What is it?

As part of the extract value step, you now have the ability to extract specific values from an element on the page using the new extract mode field. This allows to extract the entire string, just the numbers, date or use regular expressions.

NOTE:  You also have the flexibility to extract the first, last or all the numbers from the element on the page when using “Number” option.

Why should I care? 

There is no longer a need to add custom code to get the specific value from the element on the page.  For example – You can now use the “Number” option and extract just the price (numeric value) from the text “$1980.45”.

Validate Checkbox/Radio Button

What is it?

You now have a built in step to validate checkbox and radio buttons on the page.

Why should I care? 

You no longer need to add custom code to check whether a checkbox or radio button is checked.

Failed Test Retries Option (Scheduler)

What is it?

This is a follow up to the Failed Test Retry flag which was released earlier to be used as part of the CLI. When a value is set in this field (1-20), a failed test will be executed repeatedly until either the test passes or the max number of retries has been reached (in which case the test will finish execution with a failed status). 

Why should I care?

You now have the ability to use this option via scheduler as well; apart from just the CLI.