Webinar: Cracking Your Test Automation Code: Your Path to CI/CD

Struggling to get answers to these Test Automation questions? Watch the Recorded Webinar What constitutes an adequate degree of test automation…

Your Path to CI/CD
By Testim,

Struggling to get answers to these Test Automation questions? Watch the Recorded Webinar

  • What constitutes an adequate degree of test automation coverage?
  • Does every single function in the application need a corresponding test associated with it or just the core functionality?
  • Does every application need a full end to end automation suite built out or just enough to satisfy QAs and the business? 

Then register for this webinar: Cracking Your Test Automation Code: The path to CI/CD where Bas Dijkstra, Test Automation Consultant, On Test Automation and Oren Rubin, CEO of Testim discuss the Do’s, Don’ts and misconceptions of test automation.

Bring your questions to get answers to:

  • Why your code impacts your approach to testing?
  • What’s the right mix of unit, functional, end-to-end, UI and other types of testing?
  • How to create your test automation strategy and tactical execution plan?
  • What pitfalls to avoid that will increase your cost of quality?

This round-table discussion will include insights from these industry experts:

  • Bas Dijkstra, On Test Automation
  • Oren Rubin, CEO of Testim

About the presenters:

Bas Dijkstra
Bas is an independent test automation professional who has been in the test automation and service virtualization field for over 10 years now, designing and developing test automation and service virtualization solutions that enhance and improve test teams and test processes. Find out more information about Bas on his LinkedIn profile. For questions and more information you can always send him an email at [email protected] or give me a nudge via @_basdijkstra on Twitter.

Oren Rubin
Oren has over 20 years of experience in the software industry, building mostly test-related products for developers at IBM, Wix, Cadence, Applitools, and Testim.io. In addition to being a busy entrepreneur, Oren is a community activist and and the co-organizer of the Selenium-Israel meetup and the Israeli Google Developer Group meetup. He has taught at Technion University, and mentored at the Google Launchpad Accelerator.